
Thank you for this incredible honor! I humbly accept the 2023 Impact Award for Self-Love Advocate of the Year! Thank you to my family, friends, colleagues and the entire My Peace of Happy community, for acknowledging my advocacy efforts and voting to make winning this award possible. I’m forever grateful to God for His purpose over my life and I am committed to championing the importance of self-love, personal growth, and mental well-being.

I hope we continue supporting each other on this path of self-discovery and acceptance, understanding that embracing self-love is a journey we must all undertake. Thank you again for this amazing honor, God Bless you and may Peace and Happy be yours in abundance!

I am so thankful to be the recipient of the 2023 Women’s Empowerment Advocate Award. This is so meaningful to be recognized for my commitment and hard work to the community. This award pushes me to continue to be a voice to the voiceless every day. I truly appreciate the I’m Loving Me Project for this recognition!

First and foremost, I have to take the opportunity to thank the Most High for deeming me worthy of using me daily for the building of His kingdom. I’m so honored and thankful. Thank you all, the I’m Loving Me Project and also The Ezer Agency, for your vision, your thoughtfulness and for seeing all of the ladies who participated. It’s not everyday we’re recognized not only for our efforts and contributions, but for being who we are.

I am truly thankful and grateful you all chose me, and I pray that I will be the example that others need going forward, and I can help another young lady reach this milestone as well. Thank you all so much! 

Keva is a 20 yr Lupus thriver who has survived three blood clots on the brain, two strokes, temporary paralysis a miscarriage and more. She didn’t allow her diagnosis to define her, but instead to lead her into destiny of leading and advocating for others with invisible illnesses. She formed her own lupus nonprofit which was the first independent in our area, and brings awareness, resources and inspiration throughout the community. She helped to pass two bills about lupus with Senator Gladys Robinson, she started a 5k walk, lupus luncheon, golf tournament and support group for those challenged by an invisible illness. She often says we can’t eradicate disease but we can help eradicate the pain of it. She shows this daily and is the model of how to thrive through adversity! Watch the video to hear more from her directly.

I’m Tahauya, former Overachiever, People Pleaser and Golden Child turned Mindset Coach. After spending 20 years trying to achieve my way out of trauma, becoming a perfectionist to make my absent father proud and wanting to take my own life due to the weight of the world on my shoulders…

The desire to overcome depression and end failed relationships led me to a path of healing and freedom (when I finally chose the path to save myself). 

Attorney Davis founded The Creator’s Law Firm to empower, protect, and advance creatives, CEOs, and Founders in their legacy-driven call to entrepreneurship. The Creator’s Law Firm also revolutionized work culture for women by creating a global model for work-life blend and team building. Her Smarts Protection Team of savvy attorneys and advocates are the premier choice for trademarks, general counsel, contracts, business formation and strategy.

These aren’t your everyday marketing and advertising awards.

Nope! We don’t want to see the work, know your strategy, or evaluate any performance results. These awards are about what really matters. We want to hear about your choices and your life. And how you’ve used work to unlock your passion, your mission, and your harmony.